New member spotlight - Gina Grayson-Cassey
We have had a big influx of new members recently, with the plush new space at Jolimont recently opening. As community is a massive part of the BBR gyms’ culture, we will be introducing you to some new weapons who have been making their mark. First up, former elite runner, Chomp lover and all-round lovely human - Gina Grayson-Cassey shares what her first couple of months have been like in the BBR fold. Welcome Gina!
What enticed you to BBR?
I knew of Ryan and have followed his story over the years. I was particularly taken with his personalised coaching philosophy, commitment, and passion to helping people achieve some form of success that was important to them.
For me, when I knew Ryan was opening a gym close to home, it felt like the right time to join. A new gym, new start, new mindset, and new performance goals.
What are you loving about returning to peak fitness?
I have always been a morning person and like to set my day up from what I do exercise wise. At BBR, I can train early, work hard and then whatever the days throws at me, I know I have had my time working towards my personal health and fitness goals.
I am also impressed with how a minimal amount of equipment, coupled with a technique-focused coach, can produce a muscle twitch lasting for hours afterwards on ‘Biceps and Triceps’ days! (Thank you Justine Spurr).
What's different about training with BBR compared to past group exercise experiences?
The camaraderie from my very first session at BBR was evident. Members all want the best for each other. I have been both a member at private and commercial gyms in the past and the interaction, unity and goodwill from Ryan, coaches and members is what sets BBR apart.
The daily support and energy provided from each of the coaches enables members to feel empowered towards their goals. A little encouragement on the bike, spotting on a chest press or getting the last rep out can make anyone feel they can achieve success no matter how small each day.
The effect of group training at BBR is very powerful. Consistently training together as a group promotes improvement, progress, and social connection for everyone, no matter what stage of fitness you are. Success can be individual on many levels when it comes to fitness and/or performance goals. However, success feels amazing when it is shared with the people around you who train with you every morning or afternoon. Seeing people genuinely happy for their peer’s achievements in (and out) of the gym is what group training is about.
Having been in other gyms, this consistent group training effect is often not available or offered. I know I am self-motivated and can work on my own, but my best past achievements and training have come from group training. Having a peer group who share goals, take on Challenges and will push you into that ‘uncomfortable space’ is a huge benefit of being at BBR if you have fitness goals you aspire to.
What are some of the results or impacts you have seen in your body, mindset, and life so far?
Prior to joining BBR, I had lost my enjoyment from training and working out. Fitness, running and looking after my health had always been a priority. But I had lost that tenacity. I was bored and found myself attending the commercial gym I was at and just wanting to sit on the bike and watch the news. That wasn’t me and I was annoyed at myself for wasting my only time of the day I had to myself.
Changing to BBR was exactly what I needed. I found my motivation start to shift and I began to look forward to the daily sessions. I love being physically challenged and I enjoy the laughs with my training buddy, Steph. Utilising my training time, being focused, and enjoying the session has found me motivated and determined to get better each session. I have started to feel my strength slowly returning and feel very balanced throughout my body.
When I was unmotivated, out of a routine or not goal directed, my eating habits were average. As a result, I would also be waking up tired, unmotivated, and then continue to eat in excess and inappropriate fuelling foods just to get through long, busy days on my feet.
I love food and have never had a problem eating my share (and everyone else’s). Therefore, following Ryan’s food plan was quite easy… it was well organised and he explained the ‘why’. However, he didn’t include the extra cinnamon scrolls, fresh lamingtons, and a daily ‘Chomp’ chocolate bar I thought was integral to my daily diet.
My current food plan is working though; my head is so much clearer in the afternoon (no brain fog) and I don’t go searching for sweets after school. I’m very happy to be 4-5 steps ahead of my students in the afternoons and sorting out teenagers after school is now quite tolerable. My food focus has returned to fuelling my body for functional movement and late afternoon concentration needs. Basically, I feel a lot better for it!
What is your favourite BBR session/day?
My most favourite day at BBR would be Tabata. I know to get results it’s important to get ‘comfortable being uncomfortable’. To make a change or progress at something in fitness, I know I need to work and do the hard sessions. During Tabata, I focus on each 30 seconds and break down the exercise with small personal goals each time round. For example, ‘how many burpees can I get in within the 30 seconds,’ then try and beat it next time. Creating little goals and breaking down the exercises during these sessions allow me to push, feel uncomfortable at times, but I know it is only for a short amount of time and my body will recover.
Of all the strength days, my favourite is anything that involves the back! I love the feeling of working out the back especially with the cables as you get a great stretch as well. I always feel strong after a ‘back and shoulders day’!
Favourite on-plan meal?
I was very happy with my food plan despite the loss of my daily Chomp bar. However, I have found a real love for Chobani Plain Greek yogurt and Protein Powder! When you mix it up, I imagine it’s the chocolate from the Neapolitan ice cream and (almost) believe it tastes just the same!
I look forward to it every day and it prevents me from searching through the kid’s school snacks.
What is your big goal for this challenge?
Goal: To find my personal exercise ‘mojo’ that had gone missing!
I have always loved to exercise, push myself and train for high performance. However, I found myself unmotivated at the start of this year after a few new work and family challenges that left me undisciplined and overwhelmed. I felt I had lost my work-life balance and was struggling to get started or find my purpose.
The Challenge and commencing at BBR have definitely got me excited about training again and as always, if I’m feeling great about myself - my family, work and life balance all seem to fall into place.
My other small goals for my first Challenge at BBR are quite simple; eat good food for fuel, and look strong and athletic. For me, it’s the simplicity that allows for consistency and it’s the consistency that will lead to progress. Once I can physically progress with a strong mindset, I can focus on my optimal performance.
I love that I am leaving the gym each day a little better than I was yesterday.
If you see Gina around the gym, make sure you say hi and see how many burpees she’s getting through on the final round of tabata. We believe she’s convinced her equally gorgeous husband Matt to join the BBR tribe too… the BBR ripple effect strikes again… well played, Gina.