BBR 6 Week Challenge Winner!

Gary is the epitome of the quiet achiever. Every morning, he strolls into BBR, swiftly checks in, and dives straight into his workout. Alongside his wife Nell, they form a formidable duo, both boasting remarkable success in BBR's challenge phases. Witnessing their transformation in the after photos is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

However, it was a moment during Gary's photo session that truly captured the essence of his journey. As he confidently removed his shirt, a hush fell over the gym, followed by thunderous applause and a flurry of fist bumps. It's the beauty of hard work and dedication - earning respect through sweat, not shortcuts. There's no room for magic pills or overnight successes here; Gary's journey is a testament to consistent effort and sacrifice.

In a world where instant gratification often reigns supreme, Gary's story serves as a reminder that true achievement comes from the relentless pursuit of one's goals. And as he continues to push himself day in and day out, Gary stands as a beacon of inspiration for everyone around him.

BBR: Firstly, How long have you been training at BBR and what brought you to BBR / How did you find us?

GM: Since October 2023. I started after seeing my wife’s results and general enjoyment of the gym and challenges.

What was your first impression of BBR? What did you see or hear and how did it compare to your experience?

Impressive set up - great programs and trainers. I love that I don’t need to think about what activity I can do to get an hour of high quality exercise, I just turn up and all is ready to go.

RESULTS! Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share. Can you please tell us your results since starting at BBR and in the last 6 week challenge? Weight loss? DEXA Scan? Blood work? Body fat and lean muscle? Belt sizes?

Started October at 92kg, now 81kg.
Last 6 week DEXA: 16.3% body fat, now 14.3%
I have shifted down a size, and tightened the belt one hole.
I can again fit into my wedding suit from 14 years ago.

What other benefits have you experienced since joining BBR?

Energy levels are through the roof. I sleep better, wake up refreshed, am performing better in my work with none of the mid afternoon fog any longer. I have no aching back, my knees feel better. My mood is great. I can be the father and husband I want to be. I can easily say no to the temptations that have previously held me back - alcohol, late nights, poor eating etc.

What challenges did you have to overcome during the 6 Week Challenge?

Breaking the cycle of feeling tired -> not wanting to exercise -> not sleeping well -> feeling tired.
The first few weeks waking up the body, and managing (tolerating) the delayed onset muscle soreness was tough, but satisfying.

What surprised you the most about your experience during the 6-week challenge?

How quickly I saw results in myself, on the scales and in the mirror.
How a fairly straightforward regime of diet and exercise can work so well, when you stick to the plan.

How did the support from the community or your fellow challenge participants contribute to your success?
Seeing the improvement in everyone is inspiring, and motivating for you to keep going. It’s not a competition, and celebrating the wins as a group means everyone shares in the success.

What strategies or habits did you develop during the challenge that you plan to continue in your fitness journey?

High intensity exercise 5 days a week.
Minimal alcohol intake.

Any inspiring words for people who are considering participating in the next 6 week challenge?

The challenge is a very effective way to achieve weight loss, gain strength and feel fitter. It is a straightforward diet and exercise schedule that is second to none for achieving results.

Favourite exercise?

Sissy squats

Least favourite exercise?

Sissy squats. It’s complicated.

Favourite song to train to?

Enter sandman, Metallica.

Favourite song to sing a long to while driving?

Elvis Presley. In the ghetto.

Favourite movie?


What trainer scares you the most?


Best training buddy?


What’s your coffee order?

Strong and black

Sweet or savoury?


Favourite restaurant and meal?

Pellegrinis bar in Melbourne

Most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in the gym?

Approached a lady thinking she was my wife, oops. Sorry again. Thanks for not pressing charges.

Proudest moment in the gym?

Finally executing a sumo squat correctly. Cheers Gene.

Thanks Gary, we love having you at BBR,

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.

Much Love,



BBR Coaches Award!


BBR 6 Week Challenge Winner!