BBR Success Story - Casey Walsh
Our Member of the Month for March was a tie between a long-time Claremont favourite Casey Walsh and new Jolimont hotshot Leah Dowell. This blog celebrates the limitless amazingness of our Casey, who quietly lifts the house down every session. She’s incredibly strong, racking her bar with almost every weight Rhino has in the black box. If you’re lucky enough to partner with her, she’ll always have some sweet encouragement or wise words to help with the pain of trying to keep up with her. And we finally know why her nickname is Snowy… enjoy!
BBR: Please tell us about your health and fitness background prior to BBR - you have always looked uber fit, do you have a sporty background?
CW: I have always been active and I was always very into sport throughout school. I was never great at anything, but I was okay at lots of different things! Swimming, cross country, rowing, netball, hockey, gymnastics etc.
I moved to the mountains in Switzerland when I was 18 to study hotel management and I became obsessed with the snow and snowboarding. The windows of the classrooms either looked across the valley towards the mountains of Verbier and Zermatt in the distance, or in the other direction, up onto the ski slopes of Crans Montana, the resort above our town. I spent a great deal of time staring out of those windows!
After graduating, I taught snowboarding for a couple of years in Crans Montana and I was offered sponsorship to ride for a top brand and make a heli-boarding movie in Alaska but I chickened out at the thought of jumping out of a helicopter in Alaska! Probably a good move and one I don’t regret! I suppose that counts as sport! Now, I love to ski and can’t wait to get back to the snow for a few weeks.
I was in a bad car accident in my first year in Switzerland (my ex fell asleep driving on the autobahn) and my body hasn’t been quite the same since. To keep it from completely falling apart, I need to stay active. I trained at Aspire prior to BBR doing boxing circuit classes and some sparring which I loved, but I needed a change - something different and better tailored to my body.
BBR was fairly new at the time but the class structure and enthusiasm of Ryan drew me in. I remember messaging Ryan asking about classes a few times and he was very patient, and waited until I was ready to give it a go! I haven’t looked back since even though I was so nervous about that first class.
It has been over four years now and I have loved every minute.
BBR: What challenge you the most when you first started at BBR?
CW: Early on I found all of it challenging! I have a terrible tendency to compensate for instability in certain muscles and I use my traps way too much. I still find this challenging and if Ryan is coaching an arm day, guaranteed he will still need to tell me to stop using my traps! I am not entirely there yet but heading in the right direction, I hope.
I have arthritis in my neck because of the car accident and plenty of bone spurs and funny quirks in my back so I was always very aware of the pain. However, realising that training hard actually made these pains less was amazing.
BBR: Over the years, has your enjoyment of BBR evolved – do you like doing different things from what you did when you first began? Tell us a bit about how you’ve changed over the time at BBR.
CW: Initially there was just the one gym and I really enjoyed the mix of strength and HIIT. Early on in BBR, the range of weights on each station was not as varied and maybe 10kgs was the heaviest dumbbell on a station and I remember this being a challenge.
It took me a while to pluck up the courage to do a class in the Strength Gym after it started up. I was intimidated by the word ‘strength’ more than anything! I braved my first strength class and was hooked. I continued to mix the two classes over the years until the past year when I have only done strength classes.
My weights have gradually increased over time and somehow keep going up. There are so many amazing members who push me, and the environment is so encouraging that it is hard not to improve!
BBR: Which classes do you do?
CW: I love the 615 strength class and realistically it is the only class I can actually get to with work! Those class booking days are stressful!! For me it is 615 or nothing!
BBR: What do you enjoy most about BBR?
CW: Everyone says it, but it couldn’t be more true… the BBR family Ryan has created is pretty special and the members really do make BBR. The coaches are exceptional and give everything to make just a little change each time you come to a class. The members are so supportive of one another. Everyone is obviously fit but also kind, sympathetic and so supportive. It is the best way to start your day.
Over the years, each of my three kids have been a part of BBR in some small way and while they are busy with other pursuits now, it is nice to have had that connection with them through fitness. I love seeing other mums and dads training with their kids, it really is such a great bond and BBR really supports that connection.
BBR: What gains have you made, physically and/or mentally since being at BBR?
CW: Physically I am definitely stronger, and hopefully my body is more aligned. I was a lopsided mess when I started. I have always been mentally strong and determined (I guess being Taurus helps!) but the biggest change is how calm I feel all the time! I have had a few very stressful things happen over the past few years and BBR keeps me grounded, calm and happy.
BBR: How long did it take for you to feel changes and feel strong?
CW: I felt changes pretty quickly in terms of strength but these changes are still being felt after each session and I love that the process never ends. Although I don’t often feel very strong after leg day!
I have been training with Chantel Baker recently and working on my lower body. I think I have subconsciously held on to some of my original injuries from the car accident (in trying to protect body) and this has created an imbalance in my whole body over a very long time. We are working to try and ‘unwind’ this and build stability especially in my glutes. It is quite disconcerting to be doing a very simple single leg glute exercise and get pain in my shoulder on the opposite side of my body!
This is a big goal for me this year. To be able to feel balanced as well as strong and more confident.
BBR: How does the combination of working out at BBR and managing the amazing North Street Store work for you? Does BBR give you energy to be on your feet a lot and are you powered by cinnamon scrolls?!
CW: While I am no spring chicken, I am amazed at the energy that I have to work out five times a week and follow it up with the exceptionally busy and physically demanding job of managing North Street Store. NSS is the reason I don’t do Hiit! For 9-10 hours a day I lift, squat and run at work and surprisingly, not fuelled by cinni scrolls! They are certainly delicious, especially straight out of the oven, but I rarely eat one! I am more an almond or chocolate croissant girl!
I love my job, as stressful, physical and all-consuming as it can be (hard to believe I know, as it is just a bakery!). My staff are wonderful and the energetic vibe of the store makes it such a fun place to work. At the moment, I am working a few nights a week which means all the fun of cleaning the whole store after we close and mopping what feels like kilometres of floors, but it also means taking home any of the delicious food that we have left at the end of the night. That is a trade off I am happy to make!
BBR: Do you have any goals you're working on for 2023?
CW: Apart from working to balance my body and feel strong, to be honest I don’t. I seem to go from sleep to the gym to work and to sleep again! Maybe my goal is as simple as taking more time for myself and my family and friends.
BBR: Tell us something you’re most looking forward to in 2023…
CW: Some days off to do absolutely nothing although I am not sure when that will be!
Fave station?
Any bicep/tricep strength stations, I love the challenge
Least fave?
It would have to be barbell front squats, my neck really doesn’t do well with those!
Fave café and your order there?
I really should say the North Street Store Avo toast with bacon and an egg (it really is good) and a flat white!
Fave treat meal?
Most of my meals are treat meals! Working at NSS I get to eat the most delicious lunch and dinners, organic and regeneratively farmed meats, fresh veggies and amazing, healthy salads. Whether it’s a curry or steak I have it pretty good! A good baked cheesecake or butterscotch pudding doesn’t go amiss either.
Fave holiday destination?
It would have to be anywhere in the Swiss Alps (or any ski resort to be honest!), although Tahiti and Laos are close behind!