BBR Success Story – Lisa O’Neill

Friends, it’s your blog writer and gym buddy Lisa in some metacognitive paradigm where the observer observes itself. What a brain explosion. Every single person I have interviewed over my five years at BBR (I reckon we’ll be approaching 100 soon) prefaces their story with “nobody will find me interesting” and without fail, their story resonates in small and big ways with every reader. It’s been an absolute honour to learn, share and write your stories over these five years and I hope mine might also cause a ripple in your mojo, spark something inside you that thinks knows that you too can go after your own fitness story with BBR and feel your best.

Please tell us about your health and fitness history prior to BBR...  

My background was state level swimming in my glory days/teenage years, then triathlon and half ironman dominated my life until I had kids, then it was a mix of swim, run and yoga when I could fit it in around mum life. I’ve always loved exercise but going to the gym had been a chore in the past, so I did the odd push up or sit up and called it ‘strength training’ (LOL). I was a cardio animal through and through.

Who or what prompted you to sign up to BBR and why was it the right time for you to join?  

Five years ago, I joined Bodies by Ryan for a one-off, 30-day challenge before a girls’ Bali trip with the goal to look good in my bikini. I found BBR through Instagram with Rhino in all his big energy, hype man glory and the amazing original crew like Kellie, Brenda and Talei glistening with all their good health and sexy abs. It was all the inspo I needed to give it a go. I was so excited for a new challenge as my youngest child was three at the time and I was coming out of the ‘new mum’ phase.

What was it like for you in the early days?

On April 30 2018, I rocked up to my first HIIT session and instantly, Cherie Newcombe welcomed me and took me under her wing. We still train together (at the strength gym now, that lady can lift!) and I love our friendship. I was SO sore in the first couple of weeks, my body in absolute shock at lifting the baby weights I picked up back then. Aside from the soreness, I quickly felt stronger, noticing everything felt more ‘supported’ as I chased the kids around or lifted the groceries into the car. It was difficult to adapt to the new way of eating at first, particularly as Rhino was super strict back then and wanted us to eat the same protein and carb source every day. We had to do an apple cider vinegar shot in the mornings! My mouth waters in revolt at the thought…

Were there any changes you made that were enjoyable or easy straight away?

I loved the meal prep aspect of the challenges, which I found totally life changing. Preparing lunches on a Sunday and having the rest of the meals planned and ready to quickly cook took the daily decision making out of the equation. I used to waste so much time dreaming about what I’d have for lunch, then popping to the shops to get something, making it each day etc… Now, I have a delicious and healthy lunch with macros sorted ready for me in the fridge at work or home. This process gives you so much time back! I also loved my new routine of the gym. Doing something for myself first thing in the morning made me a better person (mum, friend, wife etc) for the rest of the day. The endorphin rush of a good workout with great people was addictive and it still is!

How long did it take for you to feel changes?

I felt stronger within a week, everything started tightening up but by the end of the first challenge I dropped 3kg and started to notice some muscle definition. But that was a long time ago! My body has evolved so much over the five years and I am so proud of the abs I’ve created! No amount of cardio in my triathlon years managed to get these results. Each challenge I’ve participated in has carved something new into my body or my mindset. Of course, there have been times where I’ve plateaued or gone backwards (Covid was a prime example! All the baking took its toll) but I love that training at BBR means you retain a strong, fit body all the time even if sometimes those muscles are slightly better padded than others.

Please tell us about the changes you’ve experienced - weight loss, muscle gain, training gains, mindset shifts and lifestyle…  

This has changed so much over the years, I’ll answer it based on how I feel now in 2023. The weight loss was an interesting topic for me as I always had a specific weight I’d aimed for every challenge. Each challenge I’d religiously put ‘59kg’ in the goal and feel enormous pressure to get to that weight where I’d be perfect, my physique would be perfect, my life would be one constant wolf whistle. I’ve had some amazing challenges (I even won one in 2019 where I was in epic shape) but I never got to that revered number… until this year. Five years after I started at BBR. Rhino worked with me so hard, we pumped extra walks into the program, I did some doubles (back-to-back workouts) and I was a demon in the gym. I loved the results all of this got me, but I still yearned for this dream weight. In the first quarter challenge of 2023, my mindset was completely different in that I decided to forget about the goal weight and replaced it with ‘goal process’, plus heal a niggling injury (hamstring bursitis – spoiler alert, I am now injury free! So happy about that). My main goal was to commit 100% to the plan Rhino mapped out for me (which included one meal out per week) and it didn’t matter what the results were. The only result that mattered was that I proved to myself that I could do what I set out to and to find a process I loved. So, every day I showed up, trained, ate the delicious food that was on the plan and hid the scales until check in day. Each week, I felt better and better about myself. I was achieving my goals every day and I was completely in control of that. The challenge finished, I had a pep in my step and my final weight was around 60.5kg. I was stoked. Two weeks later, I was still in ‘challenge mode’ because I’d found a process I loved with no pressure and I jumped on the scales (post Easter, which is filled with the best food ever created – chocolate) and it was 59.5kg. I had a special moment, texted my lifelong buddies Tyra and Mel (we are all very invested in each other’s gym and life stories!) and then went back to mum life with my kids. No constant wolf whistle to be heard. So, my message to myself and anyone else like me is this… the result was exciting, but it was fleeting. Finding a healthy process that makes you feel good, day in and day out? That’s the real win.

What do you love most about BBR?

Saturday morning, post-session coffee with the gang!! Haha… it’s the community, of course. I’ve met so many special people through BBR and every day I love seeing them at the door, hugging them (hi Anissa!) and watching them crush their session. I love the energy from Ryan who has so much enthusiasm for helping people to be their best, there’s nothing like being in a class with him coaching, it’s electric. In saying that, each trainer brings their own special energy to each session and every BBR session sharpens the body and primes my brain for the day.

Do you have any upcoming goals you’re now working on? 

This upcoming challenge, my goal is to commit to the new process and support some old triathlon buddies and one of my gym besties, Mel to achieve whatever they set out to (remembering, it’s all about the process!). No attachments to one final outcome, but full commitment to a fun process that makes me feel good about myself and have big energy for life in and out of the gym. However, a little more long-term I have a swimming goal back on the cards. My husband Sean and I are aiming to swim to Rottnest in February 2024 as a duo which terrifies and excites me equally.

Any final words to share?

After signing up for 30 days and then completing five years, BBR is a huge part of my life. Being a part of the business side and writing the blogs for Rhino has been another crazy special part of it all. It has been such a deep honour to speak with every person featured in the past blogs, who have opened up and shared their challenges, results, processes and future goals. I have learnt a lesson from every single one of you, you have each touched my heart and I’m sure many more people have made positive changes because of these blogs. I can’t wait to meet the next friends to be featured as ‘success stories’, ‘challenge winners’ and ‘members of the month’ – will it be you?

Fast five faves

Fave HIIT/Strength station? 

Chest press… I love how strong I feel in this exercise.

Least fave?

Sissy squats. I always stumble off like a baby learning to walk.

Fave café and your order there? 

Almond Nikki coffee from Cimbalinos on Napoleon Street hits the spot every time (plus poached eggs on ciabatta if there’s time). Or cold brew at Mary Street Claremont with the gang.

Fave cheat meal?  

So hard to choose one… A classic burger with pickles or my homemade choc chip cookies.

Fave holiday destination?

 Impossible to pick one as travel is my love language… Dunsborough and Bali for ultimate bliss or Greek Islands and New Zealand for adventures, but this year we’re going to Disneyland in California with the kids and I think that might become my future favourite.


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