Fifth Anniversary Challenge wrap up
The second challenge of the year, kicking off just after Easter and ending as winter arrives, is always a special one as it marks the anniversary of BBR. This year was not only the fifth anniversary for BBR, head trainer Ryan Devereux and many of the original members - it was also the first challenge for our new Jolimont gym! So, we sat down with Rhino and asked for the low down on the big success stories, the stand out moments and lessons learned… plus a big hit of motivation for those hitting challenge #3, which started this week.
FIrst things first - who crushed it this challenge, we want names Rhino?!
We had 75 people in this challenge and there’s always a percentage who do it for the structure and the community. Then, there are the people who just go hell for leather and you see a phenomenal transformation!
One person who stood out from the start was Richard Lynn. He’s been around BBR for a long time, but this was his first challenge. He’s a pretty switched on guy and he just implemented the system and it worked - he lost around 10kgs over the eight weeks. He checked in early, the same time every Wednesday and the transformation he had was seriously impressive.
Ella Cribb was another stand out who lost close to 10kgs as well which was really impressive, especially when you consider she put on muscle so the body composition change is even greater than the 10kgs lost.
Weight loss certainly isn’t everything though and case in point is the winner of the challenge this time last year, Lisa Adams. Lisa has progressed so much over the past 12 months. We took weekly progress photos instead of worrying about scale weight as she really didn’t have much fat to lose and changed her physique by building more lean muscle.
Finally, our five year challenge brought some original members out of the wood works! Russell Hansen, Talei Prickett, Steph Mair and Christy Boxshall were all here before I even had enough flooring down and just a few dumb bells. Seeing those guys achieve great results five years later made me really proud.
So, what was special about the above members that set them apart?
You can tell someone is going to achieve great things by how they prioritise themselves in the challenge. The best results come from those who have their food prep pics up early on the weekend, check in first thing Wednesday morning because they know they’ll get fast feedback and train with extra intensity every session. If you send your weekly check in to me before 9am I know you’re super keen and it’s top of your priority list.
What were some of the highlights of the challenge?
The first challenge at Jolimont was exciting to see! We know it doesn’t matter which gym we roll out a challenge in, the systems stand up and a lot of the new members there had fantastic results - Gina Grayson-Cassey and Aimee Button were two that really stood out! (Ed’s note: Check out some of our new Jolimont members in our previous three blogs for some serious inspo).
Candice Keenan’s meal prep also took this challenge to the next level when she created movies out of her prep! We now have a BBR Tik Tok account thanks to Candice’s. She also had a killer challenge with awesome results as you might have guessed from the healthy food she was creating!
What do you love most about challenges?
I love going into challenge mode, it gives me the perfect platform to coach exactly the way I prefer with a bit of tough love, pushing people to their limits and helping them get results. When we go into week four, that’s the point I really start seeing changes emerging, and I notice changes in physique and strength capabilities. Even members who are in their 10th challenge, I might see them achieve things for the first time and that is very cool.
Every session in challenge time is fun and exciting for me! People are getting stronger, fitter and leaner in front of our eyes every week.
Going into our third challenge of the year, what’s your best tip for a first timer?
We have 30 new members this challenge and my best advice to them is to just embrace it! Go all in, forget what you know about diets and remember we are where we are because of the choices we’ve made. We’re doing this challenge for a reason and that’s because what we’ve been doing wasn’t working - so surrender to the BBR systems because those who follow the plan get results.
Immerse yourself in the BBR community, put in the work and I guarantee you’ll get results and feel a whole lot better!
And what about the rest of us - advice for repeat offenders?!
A lot of members get complacent after a lot of challenges, I’ve done it before too, when you look pretty good already but ask yourself - are you where you really want to be? To take it to the next level, you have to change your mindset to thinking as if it’s your first challenge all over again. Strip everything back, don’t ask for a meal plan you know has worked for you in the past but take on a new one. We only grow when we make changes!
Just like I said to first timers, go all in. If you want the change and the progress, draw a line in the sand and make some sacrifices. Some members go 60% in their first challenge, upgrade to 80% in the next one and so on… How much are you willing to give this time to see how great you can be? This is your time to get stronger, leaner and better - line up the systems and put them in place.
Since our interview, the awards night has been and gone with some exceptional athletes awarded for their efforts in the first half of 2022. Here’s the list of champions, click on the links to read more about about some with new blogs coming on the rest!
Challenge #1 Transformation Winner: Janette Thompson
Challenge #2 Transformation Winners: Gina Grayson-Cassey and Candace Keenan
Most Consistent: Lisa Adams
Coaches Award: Maryanne Bailey
Most Improved: Jo Cammack
Wooden Spoon (for most cancels!): Maddi Wylie
With two challenges remaining this year, there’s plenty of time to achieve big things, team. Where will you be at the end of 2022? We can’t WAIT to see!