BBR Coaches Award!

Paige has been an absolute asset to BBR since joining. Training with her bestie Annie Sutherland (who also deserves a shoutout!), they have both been a really strong presence at BBR, training at all locations and are some of our youngest members. THEY TRAIN HARD and always lift the intensity in the classes they train in. Paige has some seriously impressive data and has made big changes in body composition since starting BBR. I hope by sharing her story other females in her age range decide to start training and introduce healthy habits. Inspiring blog incoming..

BBR: Firstly, How long have you been training at BBR and what brought you to BBR / How did you find us?

PC: I’ve been training at BBR since July 2023

What was your first impression of BBR? What did you see or hear and how did it compare to your experience?

I was a little nervous to do group fitness at the start because I didn’t know what I was doing but the coaches and the other people in the classes were so welcoming and showed me that It’s okay not to know what I’m doing. My friend has been with BBR for years and she encouraged me to come for so long and I am glad that I now am apart of the BBR team. I cannot see my life without training with BBR!

RESULTS! Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share. Can you please tell us your results since starting at BBR and in the last 6 week challenge? Weight loss? DEXA Scan? Blood work? Body fat and lean muscle? Dress sizes?

I unfortunately didn’t do a DEXA scan or blood work but I lost another 6kg on top of the 10kg I lost last challenge. I started at 80kg and now I’m at 64kg, I’ve gone from a size 14/12 to a size 8 in clothes and I’ve never felt more confident.

What other benefits have you experienced since joining BBR?

I have become a lot stronger and confident when training. I crave a lot less sugar and feel so much more comfortable in my clothes in and out of the gym.

What challenges did you have to overcome during the 6 Week Challenge?

Saying no to going out and partying with friends and if I did I would go out sober and still had the best time!

What surprised you the most about your experience during the 6-week challenge?

Being able to stick to the meal plan and pushing myself even more than I thought I could, even when I wanted to cry and go back to bed.

How did the support from the community or your fellow challenge participants contribute to your success?
Making new friends in the gym made it’s a lot more easier and fun to keep going and pushing myself. Receiving complements made me want to work harder and achieve my goals.

What strategies or habits did you develop during the challenge that you plan to continue in your fitness journey?

Definitely meal prep, it makes my life so much easier especially when I’m on the go!

Any inspiring words for people who are considering participating in the next 6 week challenge?

It’s scary to think you won’t be able to achieve the goals you want but just do it. You’ll surprise yourself and you’ll thank yourself later for how much you have pushed yourself. You’ll meet some of the best people who encourage you to do your absolute best!

Favourite exercise? Hip thrust/ squats

Least favourite exercise? Lunges

Favourite song to train to? Saving up Dom Dolla

Favourite song to sing a long to while driving? Billy by Fred Again

Favourite movie? Top Gun

What trainer scares you the most? Ryan

Best training buddy? Any 5:15AM crew

What’s your coffee order? Almond milk cappuccino

Favourite restaurant and meal? The Woodbridge hotel - Steak sandwich

Most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in the gym? Laying out my gym towel during the middle of a class, only to find I had folded it with my underwear stuck to it so when I put it down they flew across the room.

Proudest moment in the gym? Doing 8 consecutive chin ups.

THANK YOU Paige, we love having you at BBR! Keep smashing your goals.

much love,



BBR Coaches Award!


BBR Six Week Challenge Wrap up