BBR Success Story - Emily Abba

Emily Abba has been on the transformation journey for four years, culminating in the ultimate physical and mental overhaul in 2023 with BBR. This July, Emily completed a remarkable six-week challenge that saw her take the overall transformation crown at our recent BBR Awards Night and in August, she joined the BBR trainers and started coaching the classes. Her rippling physique and bubbly personality make her the perfect BBR ambassador, as she lives and breathes the healthy lifestyle and community values. We loved hearing how Emily made her way to BBR and what motivates her.

BBR: Please tell us about your health and fitness history prior to BBR...  
EA: Prior to BBR, my health and fitness journey has definitely been a rollercoaster! Throughout my whole life I’ve been the ‘chubbier’ girl, and this led to me developing some minor health issues at a very young age that were as a result of my lifestyle choices at the time. In 2019, I decided that something had to give and I couldn’t continue on the path I was on, so I started my weight loss journey. I had no idea what I was doing and, in the beginning, there were definitely more lows than highs, but over the 3.5 years since making that decision I have lost 30 kilos, and managed to get myself off the medication I was taking.

I started with trying to make better food choices, rather than eating a whole bag of family smarties for dinner, and started exploring exercise options I enjoyed. It really didn’t take long for me to notice how much these simple things improved my life, mental health and clarity. It’s definitely been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and there have been lots of ups and downs throughout the course, but my health journey has been the most rewarding experience. I often think how different my life would be now if I had of never made that decision to just start!

BBR: Who or what prompted you to sign up to BBR and why was it the right time for you to join?  
EA: When I moved over from the East Coast, I reconnected with an old friend of mine, Kenz. She had been training at the newly-opened BBR airport location and was telling me how much she loved training there. When Ryan hosted the airport open day, Kenz managed to convince me I should attend… even though I was SUPER reluctant to. The session that morning was HIIT, and I had never trained in a HIIT class before. I honestly went into the session so close minded; I remember telling Kenz, and even Ryan, things like “this just isn’t how I train” and “I’ll go but there is no way I’ll ever sign up there”.

It really didn’t take me long for my attitude to do a complete 180 flip. The whole vibe of BBR is like nothing I have ever experienced. I’ve never been to a gym where the members are so welcoming and encouraging. The members of BBR are genuine cheerleaders for each other’s success. I fell in love with the BBR community and it really became my home-away-from-home in a time when I was seriously struggling with loneliness. I had just moved away from all my loved ones, and my passion for exercising and moving my body was ignited. 

BBR: What challenged you the most when you first began?
EA: In all honesty, I don’t think I really noticed too many challenges in the beginng. I felt at home right away!

BBR: Were there any changes you made that were enjoyable or easy straight away?
EA: I loved the accountability of having book into classes brought. I thought this was actually doing to be something that I didn’t enjoy, but it meant that once I booked in, I was committed to myself and my goals

BBR: How long did it take for you to feel changes?  
EA; It definitely wasn’t long! My fitness and mood improved pretty much straight from the get-go!

BBR: Please tell us about the changes you've experienced  

EA: When I started BBR I genuinely thought I was in the best shape I would ever get to, I thought that looking “fit” was something I was simply unable to achieve, always having been a bigger girl.

My scale weight hasn’t changed drastically, but I’m the leanest I’ve ever been! Post completing the BBR six-week challenge in July, I can truly say that for the first time in my entire life I am comfortable in my own skin, and I’m actually proud of how I look. I never thought I would be able to say that.

I’ve had an entire mindset shift and really changed the narrative I was telling myself. I changed the internal dialogue I had that I could never be “that” girl.

BBR: Please share any results you are comfortable with…

EA: I didn’t take any measurements which I absolutely regret because it would’ve been amazing to see the difference from when I started until now! But from progress photos its absolutely visible that I am the leanest I’ve ever been!

BBR: You look absolutely incredible and going from strength to strength Emily… how have you kept up the momentum?

EA: The thing it boils down to for me is the routine! The six-week challenge really helped me build habits that have become so incorporated into my daily routine that I’d actually be lost if I didn’t stick to them.

BBR: What do you love most about your new health and fitness routine?  

EA: The mental clarity I feel from eating well and exercising! And of course, loving the way I feel about how I show up in life at the moment. For the first time in my entire life I don’t feel like I “take up too much space” and I feel the best I ever have.  

BBR: Do you have any upcoming goals you're now working on? 

EA: At the moment the goal is to continue living a healthy lifestyle, and to look hot as hell on my wedding day in Feb 2024!

BBR: Any final words to share?

EA: For anyone who’s looking into trying something new, but unsure if they’ll enjoy it, my advice is to jump in head first. You could surprise yourself and find a whole new passion you never knew you had!

Fast five faves

Fave HIIT/Strength station? Love anything strength that is back focused! The bent over landmines that were in the program for a while were an absolute favourite

Least fave?  The sled run! Always get that one out of the way first!

Fave café and your order there? Beach Street Co – Breaky field! (sourdough bread, poached eggs, feta, mushrooms and the most amazing relish)

Fave cheat meal?  Anything Italian! Would sell my soul for good gnocchi

Fave holiday destination? Before we moved here I would’ve said Perth! But now I’ll have to say my granny’s unit on the beach at Coolangatta on the Gold Coast!


BBR: 2023, a Year in Reflection


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