BBR Business Accelerator with Ryan Devereux


BBR Business Accelerator 

One day intensive workshop 

  • Your personal mission 

  • Your business mission 

  • Sales systems 

  • Lead Acquisition 

Spend one day with the owner of Bodies by Ryan who has grown his gym business to four gyms in six years. This intensive workshop is for anyone that is experiencing pain in their business and is looking to scale, grow and help impact as many people's lives through the foundation of training, health and fitness. 

Over the six years Ryan has experienced the highs and lows of business, opening multiple locations with no investors or huge loans he has put his back against the wall to live his vision.

You’ll do a deep dive into your why, mission, vision, values and personal code. Prepare to get vulnerable. The main lessons planned through the business accelerator will be refining your product, offer, client acquisition, sales and retention systems. We’ll be getting as much value into the day so you’ll leave with a clear vision and systems to implement when you leave. 

We’ve just started a new financial year so if you haven’t taken any time to review your systems, procedures and figures this course is for you. 

Time to grow, time to scale, time to take your business and mission to the next level. 

Date August 19th 

Time 10:00AM - 3:00PM 

Venue Vitality House 

Cost: $197 

Once you’ve committed to the BBR business accelerator the BBR admin team will email a questionnaire so we can know you and your business a little better before we kick off and do a deep dive.  We’ve opened this up to 10 business owners that are ready to make a serious impact on their community and be the change in the industry.

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